Thursday, February 21, 2008

Interesting Things Found in Stores

Just thought I'd show a few interesting items seen while shopping. Everyone knows that you take your shoes off at the door and wear slippers inside the house. But did you also know that there are special boots to wear in the bathroom? I'm guessing this particular pair is for the ladies!
Next is an example of some of the t-shirts with english words written on them. This one is typical (possibly more to follow at a later date). If anyone can translate the meaning for me, please do.
And lastly, this item found at the 100 yen shop. Its a combination rope, gloves and whistle pack. I'd be very interested in your ideas as to what they could be used for. Our initial thought was for some sort of kidnapping plot, but not sure how the whistle figures in. Please help!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow,Ikebana & One Last Dog Sign

Happy Abraham Lincoln's Birthday to everyone. Honestly, I hope you all had great celebrations for it! Here you see we had some snow last week. This is the first time it stuck to the ground. Of course it was gone the next day, but was pretty while it lasted. Also here is my 3rd ikebana arrangement. It was pretty, but the roses didn't last long. And finally, you know I can't resist these dog signs! In this one the dog seems terribly upset, but why? Is that his first dump? The bag seems full. Is he sweating? Why is his tongue sticking out? What could he be saying?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Chinese New Year

Here are a couple of photos from last week's Chinese New Year celebrations. We missed all the big happenings but did get to see this dragon and this guy (along with a pig that wouldn't stand still for the photo).

Saturday, February 2, 2008


The Setsubun Festival marks the beginning of spring. Its a time to cast out the bad and start fresh. The ritual involves throwing beans at the demons to drive out bad luck and make way for good luck. We went to a festival at a shrine this afternoon (photos included- demons, pretty girls, ringing the big bell for luck) At sunset the husband will put on his red devil mask (that we got at the grocery along with the beans) and we will throw beans at him, inside the house until he runs out side. Eventually, we will let him back in! Hopefully you all had good luck with the ground hog and will be having spring soon too!
PS Also added a photo of the devil getting beans thrown at him at home.

Friday, February 1, 2008

New Ikebana (and old)

Here is a photo of mt latest ikebana creation and a photo of the old one after the flowers bloomed. [Note to Brian: they are not plastic ;)]

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