Friday, July 30, 2021

Almost Gone

Yesterday my boy brought over his last big suitcase of stuff then we went in search of a biscuit place I read about in Harlem. We found it and the biscuits were the best I’ve ever had! Afterwards we walked them off in Central Park. Tomorrow he leaves for law school.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Neighborhood Celeb

The garden within the park. 

Our park across the street is having ‘salons’ each week, to bring people together. Last week’s topic was the park itself. 
The architect was there and some other dignitaries. 
The neighborhood celeb was in attendance. 



I won a lottery for free tickets to a concert outside at Lincoln Center. It was Brian Stokes Mitchell. A Broadway star, he sang songs from shows. Some I knew, some I didn’t. The weather was great and it was a nice night out. 


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

High Line

The High Line is open in both directions again. Still need a timed ticket but there were tons of people. We wore masks when it got crowded, left them off when it wasn’t. 


Sunday, July 4, 2021

NYC Fireworks

Taking Gil for an evening walk, we found an unadvertised place to see the fireworks. The FDR was closed to traffic (as was 1st Ave) and people were allowed to go there for viewing. We took Gil home and went back with the masses to see the display. 
We left there early and went to our rooftop to finish off the night. 
The photos are all out of order though.


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