Monday, May 30, 2011

Storm Defender

Gill models his new Storm Defender Cape. I think our tropical storm is over, after 3 days of rain and high winds but he got scared tonight by wind blowing a door shut. I'm wondering if the cape could help him while he's travelling in the airplane?

Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea at the Swissotel in Osaka. A huge buffet of salads, main dishes and sweets. Good friends took me there and paid for my share as a sayonara present. They're so nice. A great group of gals.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Prom Night

Just a few photos from last night. The girls were beautiful and the guys were handsome.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Kyoto trip

After the parade we walked through the Gion area, stopping in at the city's oldest washi paper store before having lunch in a spanish restaurant, where this pig leg was sitting right in front of me. The statue is at the beginning of the ancient walking trail to Tokyo. We rubbed the stone in front of it for safe travelling. When the weather is nice the restaurants along the river open up the terrace for outdoor eating.

Aoi Matsuri

My good friend Haruko took me to Kyoto to see the Aoi Matsuri. It takes place each year and has been done in the same way since the 6th century. It came about when the people in the area suffered greatly from terrible storms that ravaged the area. The Emperor of the time (Emperor Kinmei) decided that the deities were angry at the people's ingratitude and impiety and caused the disaster. He sent these messengers out to the shrines to apease the deities and it worked. It is a beautiful and solemn procession from the Imperial Palace to the shrines. The weather was gorgeous and I had a great time!

The boy suited up and headed to Nagoya for a debate tournament. He returned home with a certificate pronouncing him "champion" as his team won the whole thing!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Hanshin Tigers

Went to the Hanshin Tigers baseball game with a friend last night. What an experience! The Japanese fans love their baseball. The stadium was packed. We sat in right field. Everyone is dressed in Tiger-wear and there are bands and cheerleaders all over the stands.The girls selling beer wear a little keg on their back and pump it into your cup. The guy in the tiger headgear was handing out words to the songs that are sung when each Tigers player gets up to bat. Each player has a little song and there are other songs sang at different times. During the 7th inning stretch, everyone blows up a balloon and at the same time, releases the ballons into the air. Afterward, someone picks all the balloons up from the field and play resumes.
I had a great time!


It seems our Japanese expat experience is coming to an end.
The hubby has been transferred to New Jersey and we will begin
repatriation sometime after school ends.
As you might guess, I will be busy doing so many last minute things,
like going to baseball game. (See next post.)


The latest pottery pieces to come out of the kiln! What a surprise. This round turned out pretty good. A big bowl, a vase, 2 cups and a cheese plate. Hope the next bunch turns out as good.

Japanese cooking

Went to a friend's house and she showed me how to make okonomiyaki (Kansai style) and yaki soba. I had never tried either one, but the kids have liked them. It turns out, I like them too! After the cooking demonstration and eating, we went to a nearby park with beautiful Japanese garden. I made the yaki soba for the kids this week and will tackle the okonomiyaki soon. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Horyuji Temple

This year's Mother's Day excursion, was to Horyuji Temple in Nara. We took the train there (actually 2 trains). A very nice, retired gentleman who works now, as a goodwill guide, gave us an excellent tour, in English. In 1993 Horyuji Temple was designated as a World Heritage Sight by UNESCO and is believed to be the world's oldest wooden buildings. There were many Japanese school kids there also. The weather was beautiful and I had a great Mother's Day!! Wonder what we'll do to celebrate next year?? 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Street Party

Yesterday we had a super, fun neighborhood party. The day started out rainy, but one clever neighbor rigged up this fine tent-like structure. The rain stopped, the food was prepared and everyone enjoyed a delicious, pot-luck bbq meal. There were also some fun games like this shaving game for the kids. There was another hilarious game for all that I have shown only photos of me doing it, because I didn't want to embarrass anyone by posting their photos. It was quite challenging. I didn't win.


Went to the Infiorata again this year. Each year they close off the street in Kitano and make these huge pictures on the street using flower petals, stems, leaves etc... I'm not sure what keeps the wind from blowing it all away.

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