Monday, September 29, 2014

Nature Crafting

She's been busy with her nature crafting lately. It took some weeks to get her started and I did have to threaten to throw it all away if she didn't start something soon, but she really came up with some nice creations. The 2nd one looks like a sculpture.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Community Day

Went to Community Day last weekend, it was quite nice. They had the fire trucks opened up so you could see all the equipment. A band of kids aged 6 to 12 played for about a half hour. They were surprisingly good. There were free hotdogs, hamburgers, cookies, popcorn, snow cones, water and root beer. I got interviewed for the local paper! It was the best community Day I've been to and I've been to about 4 or 5, in different communities.

Art Fair and Bike Race

Went to an art Festival and Bike Race in Doylestown a couple weekends ago.
Had a nice day out. Granny bought herself a mood ring. Better keep my eye on what color it is!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

First Day

First morning here, she managed to fall off the patio, knocking down a planter and part of the wall. Luckily, she just got scraped, cut and bruised, no broken bones. Now she's my constant companion.
She goes to the grocery, checks out books and magazines from the library, went to my club coffee morning, went to craft group, goes on a mile walk every afternoon with me and Gil. She's not totally pleased to be living in a house of vegetarians, but she can eat out if she wants meat. Her memory isn't great and she tries to hide this fact. She can barely remember things that happened the day before. And sometimes she'll turn around 10 minutes later and forget something. But she's doing well with all the changes and stays pleasant. The worst thing so far has been 2 days ago when she went outside, leaving the door open and Gil got out. I figured it out and captured him before he got too far and have now forbid her to open the exterior doors. Even with a sign posted at the door, she went out last night, not 10 minutes after I told her not to. I had Gil upstairs at the time, so he was safe, but still. I gave her a stern talking to and pointed out the sign that she ignored and told her to try to remember not to do it again. I will have to lock Gil upstairs anytime I leave her here alone, for his safety. At least she hasn't tried to cook!


The next day was our flight back to Jersey. Mom was a little nervous, but took it well. We had 2 flights and it took nearly all day, but we made it just fine.

Taste of Colorado

Next day went to the Taste of Colorado in Denver. Another great day out!

Denver Aboretum and Chihully Glass Exhibit

Took a trip to Denver to pick up my mom and bring her to NJ for a visit.
Went with a friend to the Denver Arboretum. Had a great day out.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Chicago Side Trip

Spent a day in Chicago seeing the sites. Had a wonderful time!

The Girl's Place

Took the girl back to school and spent several days getting her place cleaned up and decorated. I think it looks great!

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