Tuesday, August 28, 2012

cheese pig

In between company and college I had a book club meeting. The book was called The Pig Did It by Joseph Caldwell. I decided to carve a pig from cheese for the centerpiece. It wasn't as easy as I had hoped, but it looks pretty good.

Goodbye Girl

A few days later we loaded up the car and took the girl back to college. We had a nice road trip. Stopped in the old neighborhood for a stroll through the park. Walking downtown, we stopped outside a shop to try to answer the riddle that was posted. The boy figured it out correctly so they gave him a squishy brain as a prize. Thought we'd let Gil drive home, but decided not to since he doesn't have a license.  Another tearful goodbye.

Golf Day

On the last day of their visit we went to the USGA Museum. We saw exhibits of golf through the ages then went on a guided tour of the test facility. Some of the people on the tour were characters. You can tell by the looks on the faces, that this was very interesting. They gave each of us a ball that had passed the test before we left the facility. Afterwards we tried out the 9 hole putting green using replica historical putters.One of us (not me) got a hole-in-one which meant that she got a certificate and her name goes down in the annals of the USGA Museum!!

The following day they all went back to their homes. It was very sad for me. I hated for it to end! Can't wait to get together again!

Fire Night

Upon our return to NJ, the weather had turned cooler so we decided to have a fire. We had a rousing game of ring toss. The following photo will indicate who won and who lost! Any free time was used to finish the puzzle I've had out all summer.

Atlantic City

The day after the party, the 4 of us struck out for Atlantic City. We couldn't check in right away so we had the most expensive lunch on the Boardwalk (Hardrock Cafe) then hit the casinos. Some of us preferred the craps tables while others spent all day on the penny slots! The 2nd day we went to a parade, saw a concert (The Barley Boys) and a light show!

Golden Jubilee

So Sorry I've been away so long. There's just been so much going on. I should have tried to keep up with it, but I just couldn't. I'll try to catch up now beginning with my birthday, which was not a day, but rather a 10 day golden jubilee!!! It started on the 10th with a movie, then pub night out, then dinner out, then my company came for 6 days. We had a grand time as evidenced by these photos. This is the party on the day they all arrived, we had cake and I opened presents and even 2 of my aunts attended the party via Skype!

Monday, August 13, 2012

What I've been dealing with.....

As you can tell by the first 2 photos, we had some mice in the house! Not just one or 2, it seemed. I called the pest guy and he set up a ton of those glue traps. Pic #3 shows what the mice initially thought of the glue traps. 2 traps were left on the seat of a chair in the basement. When I went down to check 2 days later I found this. They had turned over one of the traps, chewed it and crapped on it, obviously saying "screw you"! The next day I'm in the kitchen when I see something out of the corner of my eye. Its this little mouse.
A baby, scampering about. Gil doesn't seem to see him or smell him even though I'm pointing right at it! At first I can't decide what to do. Then I run to get a glue trap. Then I realize I can't stick him to it, he's too cute! So I get a cup and trap him, then transfer him to this old coffee can so I can transport him to another location to live a happy country mouse life. I get to the location, open the can and find this, pictured above.
He's not responsive. I like to think that he was just stunned or playing possum and probably got up after I pulled away. Later at home I found 3 of his brothers stuck to a trap in the basement. A sad ending, but I least I don't have any mice right now.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Beans and Super Hero's

On a recent trip to Target the kids had fun trying on the masks in the toy department. Neither one qualifies as a genuine back to school item, so I didn't buy them. 
On a stormy afternoon, Gil lounges in his dressing gown. 
This morning when I inspected the garden I noticed that the green beans which had been growing beautifully, were now about half gone! So I picked what was left (the handful shown here). While not enough for a side dish, I can include them in a stir fry!

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