Friday, February 25, 2011

Plum Blossoms

Here is Gil, posing in front of a Japanese Plum tree. The blossoms are so pretty and the smell is divine. Spring has sprung in Japan. Just wish I could figure out how to turn the picture right side up.

Carpet Auction

Got a rug at the carpet auction last weekend to put under the dining room table. It looks pretty good. Now just hoping people don't spill food all over it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Noh Workshop

Women's club trip to a Noh Workshop. The Noh master has a stage in his house and very kindly invited us to learn the basics of the song, movement and drumming. Here are a few photos of the 'movement' part of the workshop. To be allowed on the stage, you must wear the tabi (socks with a big toe, like a mitten). You never pick your feet up, only glide along the stage without moving your hips. We balanced the fan on our heads to keep good posture!


The newest ikebana arrangements. The middle and bottom ones are the same arrangement, just a before and after of the Amaryllis.


The boy saved up his money and bought an electric guitar. He's getting quite good at playing it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


What a day! We had Elvis in concert at KWC! Okay it was an Elvis impersonator, but he did a great job and everyone had so much fun. There was also a costume contest (just so you don't think we dress like this all the time). Sorry the pic of E is sideways, don't know how to fix it.


Well, our little girl turned 18 this month. Here she is blowing out her candles and wearing the present that her brother gave her!


Recently took a trip with KWC to the Kabuki Theatre in Osaka. We saw 2 shows and had lunch in the theatre during the intermission. The stage and costumes were beautiful. Thanks to my good friend sitting next to me, I was able to understand what each play was about!


Mom and son on a recent trip to the Osaka Aquarium.

The Cute One

Just couldn't resist showing the cute one in his new hooded lounge wear. Isn't he adorable?

Acceptance Letter

The girl just got another acceptance letter!! This one is from her dad's alma matter.
Woo Hoo!  College here she comes........

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