Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Walk through the NYC Protest Route

Decided to walk along last night's protest route to assess the damage.

In Union Square a small group of protestor's had formed up and police were standing about in groups.

Further down the block, more grafitti, broken windows and a protest sign.

Dept of Sanitation trucks were picking up all the trash cans in the area.

A little farther on we finally came to the scene of all the burnt vehicles.

Lots of other folks were out taking photos as the destroyed vans were being loaded up.

As we came back through on our way home, the small protest was turning bigger.
This fellow was giving a rousing speech.

Walk to Central Park

Took a nice walk to Central Park and explored some paths we hadn't been on before.

A tap dancer/singer performing. 

Street Drinking and other Sights

Many of the bars and restaurants have opened to the sidewalk for outdoor drinking and takeaways.

A girl with a cat pack, carrying a live cat as she walks down the street.

This is what we all need.

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