Saturday, January 20, 2018

Women's March 2018

On the one year anniversary of the original women's march, we had another one today. And it was a magnificent day! Sunny with a high of 48, we had on light jackets. The boy went with me to the  march in NYC. It was huge! Much bigger than last year.
The sign I made is below, front and back:

Here we are in front of trump tower. 

Some excellent signs again this year!

Now at home in soft clothes, relaxing after a hard day of protesting.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Hand and Foot

Finally my new wedding ring arrived.
 Hope Ramone in Chicago likes the beautiful diamond set that he stole. My new one is just a plain silver band.

Having given up on the dermatologist, who worked on my warts for over 3 months, I've decided to try the duct tape method. I'll let you know if it works!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Cold Weather Activities

We had a couple of weeks of cold weather and snow (its 65 today however). Here's Gil keeping warm and cozy. I've spent my chilly time working on crafts. 

Here's a lamb painting I'm still working on. 
(Needs a lot more work, I know)

Here's a quilt top I'm working on.

Here's a new project I started, after seeing something on the internet.
Its a stitch a day for a year, although some days I do more than 1 type of stitch.
Here's how its coming along.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Trey's Holiday Visit

Hard to see it in the photos, but Trey came romping in the back yard with 4 other deer, 2 males and 2 younger ones. They played for awhile then trotted off. The girl got to see them.

Steel Stacks

Went to Steel Stacks again, Primarily to see a movie (we saw The Darkest Hour and The Shape of Water) but also spent a few minutes at the casino where I was able to turn $10 into $12.78.
 Woo Hoo!

Ghosts and an Anniversary

The girl trying out the ghost hunting equipment her brother gave her for Christmas.
Verified: ghosts in the farm house.

Wedding Anniversary number 31

Christmas Day

Christmas morning, Gil is anxious to get started.

After the opening, we got ready and went to the casino for the buffet and a little gaming.

I won $9.02 and the boy one $15.

Pre-Christmas Fun

The kids were here in the days leading up to Christmas.

  Game Night.

Usual Sunday pitcher and pizza at Cryan's.

Christmas Eve Party tray night. Cracker's had a mustache prize.

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