Tuesday, February 20, 2018

70 degrees

On Sunday morning we woke to a winter wonderland of 6 inches of snow. Today it was 70 degrees and sunny. Here is Gil at the park earlier this afternoon, without a jacket.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Last Night's Snow

Woke up to a beautiful winter wonderland this morning. 
Supposed to be gone by the end of the day.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

My Embroidery Project

Here's an update on my little "stitch whenever I feel like it" project.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

NYC trip on Giving Birth Day

My girl had her 25th birthday on Friday.  Has it really been 25 years? Anyway, I had a giving birth day celebration by myself in NYC, before meeting up with the fellas for a meal.

I went to the main NYC Library and took a guided tour. There was an exhibit on the 60's: the cultural & sexual revolution, the Vietnam and civil rights protests, etc... It was just a reminder of how much things have NOT changed!

protesting at the olympics, a reminder of the NFL players protest

Similar to all the protests we've had in this country over the past year. 

These are wood cuts and Lino cuts from another exhibit. I'm thinking of making a book

view from the 2nd story window

2 more woodcuts

One of the special reading rooms.

The original animals that inspired the Winnie the Pooh stories.

Celebrating our girl even though she wasn't with us.

Misty Drive

Took a drive along Lake Rd over by the old neighborhood last weekend. There was a cool mist rising off the water. The photos don't really do it justice.

Creepy Stuff

Stopped in a cool shop called the Creeper Gallery. Lots of creepy, haunted stuff and stuffed animals.
Can't wait to go back!

Lino Cut Workshop

Took a 2 day Lino cut workshop. I liked the process. 
Came away with 5 good prints of 2 designs.

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