Friday, March 11, 2011


I'm sure by now you've heard about the big earthquake and resulting tsunami near Tokyo. Its quite devastating but wanted to let you know that we are fine here in Kobe. It hit near the end of the school day and the kids had to get into earthquake positions and were on tsunami alert until leaving for home. Hubby was at work and they too had to take their earthquake positions. He called home to make sure I was okay and I didn't even know it had happened! I didn't feel anything. Maybe because the house is halfway up the mountainside?
Anyway, we are fine. Just keep praying for all those in the worst hit areas.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Awa Odori

This week's program at KWC was about the Awa Odori. The dancers came from Tokushima to tell us about the history of the dance, to demonstrate it and teach us how to do it. Its a pretty simple dance but hard on the arms. ouch!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Kamigamo Jinja

Went with a friend to Kyoto to visit the Kamigamo Jinja. Here are a few photos. It was a great day out. To enter the main sanctuary, we had to put on this white robe thing. I tried to turn the photo but it wouldn't go. Thanks for the tip anyway, Jenney.

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