Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Blue Angles and a New Mask

 The Blue Angels flew over NYC today to cheer us up and lift our spirits. 
Here you can see the people that turned out to watch.
 Nearly all in a mask and doing pretty well keeping their social distances.

Here is the smoke left behind as they flew past.
Went too fast for me to get a pic.

Here is a new mask I made yesterday.
 I don't have elastic but made it in the style of elastic.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Sleepyhead and a Tanuki Surprise.

Having a lie in yesterday, I finally woke him up at 9:45.
 He still didn't want to get up even after I made the bed up around him.

My son sent me an early Mother's Day present.
What a nice surprise!
A little Japanese Tanuki!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Tortillas and a New Book

Tried a recipe from Pinterest, Red Lentil Tortillas. 
Gluten free, made only of lentils, water and spices.
Turned out pretty good. Unfortunately no pick of them filled with yummy goodness.

Have started a new project.
 Decided to do Gil's New York City book in fabric with embroidered pages.
 I've finished 4 pages so far.

Walk & Meet Up

It was a nice and sunny day on Sunday, so we decided to get outside and try to enjoy it.
We masked up and headed to the lower east side, where we met up with the boy.

On the way down, noticed that the ferry is still running.

At the east river park, loads of people out exercising and frolicking in the sun.


This scene reminded me of a high school track meet.
Thinking of my days trying run the mile and half mile. I did not like it.

Williamsburg Bridge

Luckily they had a restroom open!

A Splatted rat.

Sunday, April 12, 2020


We escaped to the great outdoors yesterday, wearing masks of course.

The streets were fairly empty as usual.

Through the Window

A small peak at last week's super moon.

Trees outside our windows beginning to get leafy.

A fight outside our window. The guy pulled the girl's wig off, twice, eventually walking off with it.

Inside Stuff

I made some pickled onions. Also made some little Easter treats for the lad,
who is getting a lot of nap time lately.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Covid Continues

Nearly Empty Streets with some beautiful signs of spring.

Two new masks made. Now we each have 2.

Finished my sketchbook for the Brooklyn Art Library.
Gave Gil a haircut and bath.

                  Now with the haircut, he nestles under the covers at bedtime because he's chilly.

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