Wednesday, April 1, 2020

NYC Lockdown

Coming up on a month since the official lockdown started. 
Has it really only been a month?
So many sick and dying. 
At least in NYC it seems that many people are taking the stay-at-home order and social distancing seriously.

A couple pretty springtime pics. Too bad we can't get out there and enjoy it.

Gil is now wearing boots when he goes out. I read that dogs should have their paws washed when they come back in from a walk. Well, you may know how much he likes to get washed...Not. So I drug out his old boots that he would never wear and explained the situation to him. Voila! He wears them without a problem!

We all get a lot more couch time now.

 There aren't many vehicles out on the streets. You often don't even have to wait for the light to change if you want to cross the street.

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