Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My Dad

Some photos of my dad as a young father, young man and a boy on his horse.


My dad passed away after a lengthy battle with cancer. We are glad that he didn't suffer long and his passing seemed to go the way he had wanted it to.

While there was much sadness and tears there were also times of fun and laughter with family while we were there.

We visited the places he loved where he passed many happy hours.

We also took some time to clean our mom's house.

Parent's Day

Much has happened since my last post. I'll take it in order I guess, and start with parent's day.
We went to see the boy. Had lunch in his cafeteria and a nice day visiting with him.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Horse Adventures

Sunday, we were heading out of town when we saw a sign stating that there would be a parade of horse drawn carriages, as a prelude to a horse racing event at a nearby park. We scrapped our plans and waited about 10 minutes for the parade, then drove to the park for the event. At the park they gave descriptions of the carriages and their owners and the horses pulling them. Then the trumpet sounded as the hounds and riders took the field. Following this display, the races began. It was a very different and interesting day. All photos are from my phone. Wish I'd have had the real camera with me, but the whole thing was a complete surprise.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fall Wreath

I went to the library the other evening for craft night and made this fall wreath.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Little Beast

Found this little beast on the front door mat, Saturday morning. How did he get there? Why there? Did someone place him there? Did he do it himself? I suppose we will never know. There isn't a mark on him, so no idea how he might have died.

Roosevelt Island

Decided to check out Roosevelt Island this weekend. We got there by riding the tramway. It was pretty cool. Once we got there we went to the information center, got a map and found out there was an art festival going on. We found the ruins of the old smallpox hospital and the FDR memorial. The old lunatic asylum has been turned into an apartment building. (I don't think I'd want to live there!) The views of Manhattan were nice. It was a nice little side trip.

NYC Public Library

Went to the city this weekend and finally went in to the public library! It really is nice. Not a lot of books, but the building is beautiful. Wish I was a librarian there!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

2nd Half of the Trip

The 2nd half of the trip was just as exciting as the 1st. We stayed with the girl and went to Parents Weekend. There were lots of free activities like workshops, coffee morning, hospitality suite, cocktail party, BBQ, Jazz Lounge, tours & sporting events. Of course just spending time with the girl was the best part. After a 12.5 hour drive, in which Gil refused to take the wheel and made me do all the driving, we finally arrived back home. A long day of driving but the trip was well worth it!

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