Friday, May 30, 2014

Craft Challenge Trick

I found this gorgeous frock at an estate sale last weekend. Its a handmade dress with cross stitch design that looks a lot like the designs we saw at the Palestinian Textile Exhibition. So I wore it to the craft group meeting and let them think I had made it for the challenge, for a while. I finally came clean and showed them the bowl I made instead. It was fun.

Sushi Making Demo

Went to a sushi making demonstration at my club. I think the photos are upside down but you can still see the beautiful display of finished sushi.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Both kids have finished with the school year and are at home now. The boy has a paid internship and the girl has an unpaid one. These internships will keep them busy and hopefully help them on their way to success after school. It is nice to have everyone together again, for awhile at least.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Presidential Fitness Test

 Today, I took the Presidential Fitness Test. I walked a mile as fast as I could; did as many sit ups in 1 minute as possible and push ups until I couldn't do any more; then tested my flexibility with the sit and reach test. I put all that info along with height, weight & waist circumference into the computer and got my results immediately. They can be seen below.
Now I'm all set to participate in the President's Challenge! You should try it too. Just go on the President's Challenge website for more info.

Craft Group Challenge Completed

Finally!! I finished my project for the craft group challenge! After much thought and consideration (and a couple false starts) I finally decided what to make. As you may recall the challenge was to make something (anything) inspired by our trip to the Palestinian textiles exhibit. After considering making a sarong with cross stitch designs like those from the exhibit, I decided it would be too challenging to finish in the allotted time. I finally realized that the most striking thing for me, was the colors that they used. So I started thinking about what I could make that would incorporate all those colors and help use up some fabric scraps I've had for years. At long last I settled on doing a coiled fabric bowl. It was interesting to do, never got boring. I wished I'd use more color in it and done better with the shape, but if I make another one, I'll do a better job. I found some little coins at a flea market and put those around the edge, since some of the items in the exhibit had coins. I wish I'd gotten a few more, but who knew?

Monday, May 5, 2014


Around here they have a hospital fundraiser every 2 years called Mansion in May. They take a large house (or in this case an actual mansion, this one from 1902) and each room (or hall or closet) is decorated by a different designer. Also different landscapers do a bit in the gardens. This year, I decided to volunteer as a mansion docent. I stand in a room and talk about the room &/or designer (unless the designer is there) and make sure nothing gets stolen. And before you even ask…..No, I do not get to wear a holster and gun! Here are some photos.


I have finished the small quilt. The top, I found at my mom's. I bought the backing fabric and finally finished the quilting last week.

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