Sunday, May 18, 2014

Craft Group Challenge Completed

Finally!! I finished my project for the craft group challenge! After much thought and consideration (and a couple false starts) I finally decided what to make. As you may recall the challenge was to make something (anything) inspired by our trip to the Palestinian textiles exhibit. After considering making a sarong with cross stitch designs like those from the exhibit, I decided it would be too challenging to finish in the allotted time. I finally realized that the most striking thing for me, was the colors that they used. So I started thinking about what I could make that would incorporate all those colors and help use up some fabric scraps I've had for years. At long last I settled on doing a coiled fabric bowl. It was interesting to do, never got boring. I wished I'd use more color in it and done better with the shape, but if I make another one, I'll do a better job. I found some little coins at a flea market and put those around the edge, since some of the items in the exhibit had coins. I wish I'd gotten a few more, but who knew?

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