Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Trying out the new template. Thought I'd show the garden. Have eaten 3 cucumbers so far. Tomatoes, eggplant, beans, hot peppers & and cucmbers are now ripening. Gil was sniffing a  peanut plant. It looks pretty good, but we'll have to wait till harvest time to see how we did. Hmmm. Where are the rest of the photos? Will have to try again.Well, there's one anyway.I guess this new template will take some time to get used to.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Zoo on Father's Day

Went to the zoo on Father's Day. The weather was nice. (Rainy season hadn't started yet, but its in full swing now! ) Saw an ostrich lay an egg! Hadn't seen that before. It just sort of squatted down until it was sitting on the ground, ruffled its feathers a bit, then stood up. Underneath it, was an enormous egg! It got up and walked away.

Book Club Finale

The Borderless Book Club ended the season with a bang this year. The author of the book for June came to the meeting. It was very nice of him to come and we all enjoyed the evening.

Gil's Birthday

Gil turned 6 this year. Hard to believe he's that old. He's lived in Japan as long as he did in the US. Here are a few pics of him opening his presents and one of him with his beloved football.

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