Saturday, May 18, 2013

This morning

Woke up to find these 2 beasts checking out my back yard. Probably planning which of my plants and flowers to eat first!

Busy Night part 2

Hubby got selected to throw out the first pitch at the local minor league baseball game. We had to scurry from the prom party early to get to the stadium. Then he threw his pitch and we watched the hometown team beat the visitors and stayed to watch the fireworks.
A late night for us!

Busy Night part 1

What a busy night! First there was the pre prom picture party held by the parents of one of the boy's classmates. The house and grounds were a beautiful setting for all the gorgeous dresses and handsome tuxedos.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

baby deer

Walking with my friend last week, we happened upon this baby standing next to the road. He was about the size of Gilbert. Quite newly born I believe. Tried to shoo it away from the road a bit, but he didn't move. When we came past the area on our way back, he was gone. Assuming his mother came and took him to safety.

Mushroom hunt

The boy and went mushroom hunting and all we found was this jawbone. Not quite what we were hoping for!


Went to a Spanish cooking lesson. Learned how to make Paella and some tapas. Later at home I made some vegetarian paella (I did put in some fish and shrimp). The family seemed to like it.

Revolutionary War Encampment

I haven't posted for awhile. Not because I haven't been doing anything, maybe because I've been doing too much. Anyway, here are some pics of a revolutionary war encampment we went to a couple of weekends ago.

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