Thursday, May 31, 2012

Recent Activities

Here are a few of our recent activities. Got invited to a neighbor's party and got to play a few rounds of corn hole! Also happened on to a car show in a  nearby town, featuring rides in a monster truck. Also went to a New Jersey wine & blues festival. It turns out some NJ wines are pretty good.


The girl got an internship!! Now she does that 2 days a week and her job, most other days.
What luck!!

Better Than a Snake

It's better than a snake! Here are some of the recent beasts that have come to our yard. The top one is a deer (admittedly not a good photo) and the bottom is a frog that was on the patio. I'll take it over a snake any day!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Snake Sighting

Just spotted a snake in one of the flower beds. I think it wanted to attack me. I grabbed up Gil and hurried inside to get the camera, capturing his evil image on film.  A little research seems to indicate that it is a juvenile garter snake. The research also said that they can have 30 babies! That means there must be 29 other ones out there somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Friday, May 18, 2012


The boy and his date get ready for the prom. A nice looking couple and a good group of kids.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Good Times/Good Friend

Had company for Mother's Day weekend. The weather was gorgeous both days. After picking him up at the airport, we went for a hike then had dinner at a place where we could sit outside and enjoy the evening. Next day, went into NYC to the 9/11 Memorial, Wall St., Trinity Church and the Empire State Building. Also had a nice lunch in Soho.

The Girl's Job

The Girl was in town less than a week and got her first summer job. She's already worked 2 days!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Mushroom

Out with the hiking group, I found a mushroom. Just the one.
I was sooooo excited. I brought it home, soaked it, then rolled in flour and corn meal, fried it and ate it. It was FANTASTIC!! I just wish there was a little more. Maybe next year!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

1st Year Completed

Got the girl's half of the dorm room cleaned up, passed inspection and loaded the car. A day of driving and we made it back, safe and sound. Now, what to do?

Indiana Dunes

Stopped by the Indiana Dunes on the way to pick up the girl from college. Not really a place I'd want to hang out. Maybe its better on a warm, sunny day but the industrial area so close doesn't seem desirable.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Finally finished that braided rug and was able to concentrate on Temari.
I learned how to do it just before leaving Japan, but until now, haven't had the time to try it again. This one was super easy, but now that I've got the hang of it again, I'm going to get some supplies and do some more. Thanks so much to my 2 friends in Japan who introduced me to the craft.

Veggie Patch

When it was so warm several weeks ago, I started my garden. The broccoli has really exploded over the last couple days of steady rain. The spinach is also growing. Unfortunately, it got too cold for the tomato plants and they have turned brown. Maybe they'll survive? If not, I'll just get some more, I guess.

Ikebana & Rug

I put together a couple of Ikebana arrangements last week when I had the textile group over for lunch. My project from the previous month was this braided rug. It was a lot more time consuming than I had imagined, but I finally got it finished. Now, where will I put it? 

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