Monday, August 13, 2012

What I've been dealing with.....

As you can tell by the first 2 photos, we had some mice in the house! Not just one or 2, it seemed. I called the pest guy and he set up a ton of those glue traps. Pic #3 shows what the mice initially thought of the glue traps. 2 traps were left on the seat of a chair in the basement. When I went down to check 2 days later I found this. They had turned over one of the traps, chewed it and crapped on it, obviously saying "screw you"! The next day I'm in the kitchen when I see something out of the corner of my eye. Its this little mouse.
A baby, scampering about. Gil doesn't seem to see him or smell him even though I'm pointing right at it! At first I can't decide what to do. Then I run to get a glue trap. Then I realize I can't stick him to it, he's too cute! So I get a cup and trap him, then transfer him to this old coffee can so I can transport him to another location to live a happy country mouse life. I get to the location, open the can and find this, pictured above.
He's not responsive. I like to think that he was just stunned or playing possum and probably got up after I pulled away. Later at home I found 3 of his brothers stuck to a trap in the basement. A sad ending, but I least I don't have any mice right now.

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