Went to Osaka this weekend and happened on to this street festival. It was a gorgeous day. There was lots to see and do. Here are just a few photos. Sorry about the cat one, I can't figure out how to turn it.
In Japan lots of things are quite small like roads, toilets and packages of green beans. But Here I found something quite large. I can barely hold it up its so heavy!
Well, Once school starts all my activities start back up as well. Had our first BBC meeting of the new year in September. We read Six Suspects. Here we are posing, Charlie's Angels style. KWC also got started in September. As you can see we had a nice crowd for the opening meeting. And CHIC had a welcome back 'Fall Fling'. Here you see the hubby and myself all dressed up and ready to go. There's so much going on I hardly get a chance to put anything on the blog. Gomen Nasai!!