Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Latest Temari

This is my latest Temari. The pattern is called Heaven's River.
I think I might be missing a stripe or two, but it looks okay to me.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Visiting Friends

Have had some friends from Japan visiting.
Its so nice to spend time with a friend and catch up, whether its just for a couple hours or over night. Loads of fun was had at 1/2 price martini night!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Jersey Shore

Both kids had the day off so we went to the Jersey Shore. Parked in Ocean Grove and walked up the boardwalk to Asbury Park. It was a gorgeous day but the water was off limits because it was too rough. We didn't plan to go anyway since I'm too cheap to pay $7 each to sit in the sand. Some sort of men's beach party was going on in Asbury Park. We had a nice lunch on the boardwalk, though not at the wiener stand associated with this somewhat vulgar statuette. The last pic is of some tents that can be rented from the Methodists for the summer, in Ocean Grove.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ikebana & Temari

Did some ikebana this week and also made a temari ball for Christmas.


Went to NYC last weekend, saw a show, had lunch at a yummy Turkish restaurant and walked over to the Intrepid museum.
A great day out with the family!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

High School Reunion

Made the drive to the old hometown for hubby's high school reunion. Also got to spend some time with the parents. A quick 3 day trip, but well worth the effort!

Gils' Favorite Place to Walk

Every walk we take through town must include a stop at Robb Francis. He has very kindly put out this doggie treat and water set. After the first visit, Gil was hooked. Now he gets upset if we don't stop in for a treat on our way to the post office!


The garden is doing pretty good. We ate the zucchini pictured here and have picked the eggplant and jalapeño. The beans and sweet potatoes appear to be thriving, but something is wrong with the cucumbers! Loads of blooms, but not a single pickle!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Another Gift for Gil

Gil got another gift from Japan today. What a nice surprise. We both love it. Now I'll have something to carry all his accessories in when I take him out for a walk. We have such wonderful friends. Arigato Gozaimus!!


Gil found a little dead chipmunk yesterday. He wanted to play with it, but of course it wasn't moving. We gave it a decent burial.    

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A B-day package for Gil

Gil got a package from Japan today. Inside were some cute presents and a gift from his good friend Valentine and her parents. How thoughtful!
He is modeling a cute Japanese print neckerchief and eating a chewie. I can't wait till Christmas when he can wear his other little neckerchief. Isn't he gorgeous? He really appreciates all the gifts. Thanks guys!

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