Gil and I took a trip to Ohio for a short visit. He's a good traveller and really snuggled in to his bed at the hotel. We visited family and learned about tractors and had a great time.
Opened the door to the unfinished part of the basement earlier today and saw this surprise waiting, just inside the door. Somehow I got up the courage to get the camera and go back down to take the photo. I was really hoping the snake would not be gone. At least I know where this one is. How many more are there and where are they? I can't even think about it!
Festival in the town park. We took Gil to listen to the music. Someone from the newspaper took his photo. I'll let you know if he makes the front page and becomes famous.
We had a swarm of bees buzzing around the foundation of the house, so I called the pest company. They didn't show up the first day and I was afraid I might miss them if they came the next day, so I made a sign that I hoped they couldn't miss. Luckily I was home when the guy finally showed up. Here he is in his bee suit getting ready to shoot some sort of powder into the bee hole. It worked. The bees are nowhere to be seen. I think they were yellow jackets.
We took a trip to NYC last weekend. After we got out of the train, I checked to see if the glasses that I had dropped down a locked stairwell, were still there, as they had been the 2 previous trips we had taken into the city. On this day, they were gone. I guess someone finally decided to get them out of there. We stopped at the African Burial Ground Memorial and Museum. It was a small museum with lots of artifacts that had been discovered when they began to excavate the burial ground. After much protesting the excavation was stopped and the outdoor memorial erected. The museum is interesting. It is in a federal building, so security is tight.
Found this horrifying artifact only moments ago, under the bushes surrounding the patio. Gil kept trying to get under them for some reason and when I looked in to see what might be so intriguing to him, I discovered it. Luckily we still had a pair of Japanese tongs used for capturing the dreaded and poisonous mukade. I dashed into the house to get them and retrieved the skin that you see in the pics. The part with the head and eye is freaky. Sorry the pic is so blurry.