Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Rip Off Artist

So hubby's battery was dead this morning and he took my car. I called AAA and they sent someone local to come and jump it. He tried to tell me it was no use. He eventually jumped it, got it started, then shut it off and told me I needed a new battery which he just happened to have for sale in his truck.  I told him no thanks and asked him to start it back up before he went on his merry way. Not going to do you any good, it won't charge itself, he said. I don't know who he thought he was dealing with, but this is not my first battery jump. I'll make sure to never use his towing company for anything and will warn all my friends about it too.


Storm over, nothing but sunny days now. Here is a view from the end of the driveway.
Now if my back would just stop hurting..........

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Its Over

Woke up to bright sunshine. The storm is over. But my back and wrists are sore today.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Said I wouldn't do it but I DID!

Yes that's right. I did it again. 4th and last time for this day. I went out to clear Gil's area for his last trip out and it hadn't been completely obliterated. So I made it a little neater then decided to give the driveway a try. It wasn't snowing and the wind was a little calmer, so I just kept going. There's still 4 feet of plowed snow wall blocking the end of the drive, but I can work it on it tomorrow if I need to.
Good night everybody.

Not doing it!

I'm sure I'll pay for it tomorrow but I have decided NOT to shovel anymore today.....except for Gil's area. Which I just did and the snow was up to my knees. From this pic of the back yard, I'm guessing the snow to be about 3 feet deep since the swings are completely covered.

Third Round

 Did my third round of shovelling at about 1:30. There was another 6 inches since the last time.

So I cleared out my driveway but what for? The plow has it piled up at lease 4 ft at the end of it.

This is what the drive looked like after I finished working on it.

Gil's area isn't too big but it works.

The back patio.

Shovelling Jonas: Round 2

10am second round of shovelling. See photos below.

view from inside garage, 2nd round of shovelling

opened up the back door to find this

Jonas begins

Went out around 6am and shovelled about a foot of snow from the driveway and sidewalk. Also a patch of grass for Gil to do his business in. Took about an hour and 20 minutes. Looking out the window 3 hours later it seems the new snow is about half way up to the top of the old pile already and its still coming down. Going to get plenty of exercise today!

Dog Food

Making up about 2 months worth of chicken and rice meals for Gil.

Property Bros

Went to the Philly home and garden show. Mixed it up a little with the property brothers.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Boy

Now it has finally gotten cold, the lad likes to lie in one of his beds next to the fire.

His movie star look.

Field Museum

Went to the Field Museum one day.


I finally realized I have been neglecting the blog, so now I'm trying to catch up. 
See photos below.

Windows at Macy's

With my boy.

I've recently become curious about how many teats a bear has. I can't find anything about it on the internet. Unfortunately these models were not anatomically correct. They had no teats!

The tree at Macy's.

The kids.

A gift that became the base for party tray night on Christmas Eve.

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