Tuesday, June 26, 2018


 One of the foxes was hanging out in the back yard the other morning. 
She sat around scratching for awhile, then got up, heading towards the side and stopped to pee on the way out.

Finally getting the swale!

2 years later, the bio-swale is finally being put in. After they left the first day, I spent some time collecting rocks to edge 2 flower beds and make a fire pit. 
I haven't made the fire pit yet.

Just a jumble of things

On a recent trip to NYC, walked by this memorial to Anthony Bourdain.

This laptop has something strange going on. It started with the lid barely not closing. That part in the middle finally came up out of that square, little by little. Now its huge and getting bigger all the time. I hope it doesn't explode. Maybe I should move it out of the house. Thinking about taking it to the Genius Bar and letting them deal with it.

Another 4 leaf clover I found.

A cute boy having a little lie in.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Definitely an Aribada!

Well, its happened again! 
This morning, a large moving lump was spotted in the road at the end of the driveway. 
That lump was revealed to be another large, common snapping turtle!
I rushed down to the road to 'snap' some photos.
 It was NOT the same turtle as before. This one had a bump on its tail and longer front nails.
This turtle was NOT looking for a place to lay eggs.
 It was just heading over into the the swampy conservation area where the other turtle went. 
Gil was not pleased with it coming into his yard!

Music Night

Music night has started back up. 
We listened to the music and had a dinner by the river.
This duck set up shop quite near my seat.

Thursday, June 14, 2018


So, I got up Wednesday morning, ready to step out the door with Gilbert when I looked out the window and saw this!.......

Now that has been done on purpose! 
What animal is going to come up onto the porch and poop right on the rug in front of the door??

I don't like it!

Birthday Boy

Our little lad turned 14 on Monday. 
Took him into town for his favorite walk, then came home to a surprise party.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Nature Walk

Took a walk this weekend at the reservoir. 
Saw this deer having a cool bath. 
This dear had to take a little rest after we got back home.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Community Day

Went to community day today and was happily surprised to see that Michael and Mr David from Reptile World were there again.
I even talked to Mr David
about my turtle and he suggested a better protective barrier for the nest.

 Alligator snapping turtle
                                                     Mexican Beaded Lizard

 Milk snake: Lipstick

Lipstick's baby: Chapstick

 a Cobra

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