I pulled in to the neighborhood yesterday and noticed a familiar dark shape in the neighbor's yard.
I pulled over and got out to confirm my suspicion.
Sure enough it was a snapper! But not my turtle mama, this was old Bumpy Tail.
I went home and leashed up Gil to go out and saw that B.T. had progressed to the street!
I didn't want him to get run over and was going to try to stop traffic for him. But whenever I got close to him, he clammed up and stopped moving. So I decided to back off and hope that God would take care of him.
A couple of cars slowed down to get around him, then a guy in a van stopped, got out, picked up B.T. and carried him over to the other side of the road. A real turtle angel.
B.T. must have carried on to his destination because I haven't seen him since.