Friday was Gil's big day. I took him to the vet at 7:30am and was told he'd probably be ready for pick up around noon.
So I had breakfast at a diner: pumpkin and walnut pancakes.
Then I went on a hike (that just happened to be near the vet's office) with my ladies group.
The doctor called just as the hike was beginning and said the surgery was over, but I couldn't pick him up until after 5.
At 4:45 I went back to the vet's, paid the fee and waited in the room until someone brought out my boy.
It was pouring down rain, but she helped me get him to the car.
We finally got home around 6, I put his sweater on him but he was shivering and panting at the same time, so I took it back off.
He wouldn't sit or lie down, just stood or walked around. I set up all manner of his beds (3 to choose from) but he still kept standing. I gave him a little food & water and took him out to do his business. He came in and stood by the chair for a while until he finally just crumpled down on the floor and went to sleep. I slept on the floor beside all night. He woke up once to go out.
Pic of incision taken while standing.
Today, he finally made it into his favorite recliner and fell asleep after taking his heavy duty pain tablet.
Ramp to recliner.