Expat mom leaves Japan after nearly 4 yrs. to begin a new adventure living in New Jersey, then moves to NYC 7 yrs later. But then moves to Chicago.
Sunday, January 24, 2021

Wednesday, January 20, 2021
After four long years, we finally get a president of the US with dignity, kindness and respect for the office and the people of our country and the world. Someone who we can trust and be proud of.
In honor of it, I'm wearing my old Presidential Physical Fitness T-Shirt. Got it 5 or 6 years ago when the President cared about physical fitness.
Walk to Brooklyn and Something Nice
Walked over to Brooklyn and saw a few of these along the way. Aren't they great?
People who need food can take it and people who want to donate can put it in!
Central Park and The Met
Took a walk last weekend to Central Park, then moseyed on over to the Met for a while. It was a nice crisp. sunny day.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Another Quilt Repair
Found another quilt with squares that were falling apart. Here are pics of some of the torn squares and their replacements.
Monday, January 4, 2021
Christmas Fun
Our girl came to us for Christmas. She had to get tested before she left, quarantine here for 3 days, then test again before she could go outside. We had a wonderful time with both kids here.