Sunday, September 25, 2022


 The worst is over. The constant barrage of cops and demonstrators and people has come to an end. Pfeuff !

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Banned Books Discussion

Went to a discussion at the library last night that was very interesting. About the history of books being banned in America and the efforts going on today to ban books. Hosted by Ali Velshi, the panel included Amy Werbel, Whitney Strub, Farrah Jasmine Griffin and Laurie Halse Anderson. The program opened with actor André De Sheilds, who read a passage by author Toni Morrison. We all have a duty to defend free expression and artistic freedom in any form. We can’t allow these political action committees to scare people into banning books they are afraid of.           


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Morning Madness

 After a morning full of the maddening cacophony of demonstrators, cops, sirens, chants, etc… I took an hour out my day to resettle my mind and spirit in Central Park.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Piano Concert

Today’s concert in Bryant Park was excellent. Danny Mixon on Piano with surprise guest Antoinette Montague on vocals. Great music on a beautiful day!
Far away from the madness of our neighborhood with the UN General Assembly in full swing.


Monday, September 19, 2022

Jaguar Parade

The Jaguar parade is in town. It took me a few days, but found most of them, which you will see below. They have been painted by artists to raise funds and awareness for the need to protect jaguars and their habitats around the world


Full Swing

The Assembly is in full swing.Security everywhere, motorcades and people galore, most in suits, some in national dress. The first demonstration is set up across the street. Appears to be against the current president of Iran, Raisi. Park is filled with pictures of people killed or imprisoned by him. At least that’s what the placards say. I don’t really mind the crowds too much except for when some of these people who think they’re a big deal in their country, think they can hog up the sidewalk and run me off of it.


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Big Day Out

Yesterday kicked off with The Steuben Day Parade. Always a nice parade and some free handouts! Central Park chess tournament at Bethesda Fountain. An Indie Rock concert at Rockefeller Center. Ended the day with the final Bryant Park concert if the summer, American Symphony Orchestra. A full day in beautiful weather. 


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