Sunday, October 28, 2012

Storm Prep

  You may have heard of the super storm that is heading our way. The news reports are whipping everyone into a frenzy. The governor has had 2 news conferences already today. We have filled up the gas tanks of the cars and gas cans for the generator. The generator has been moved in to place on the porch, in case we need it. The bath tub is soon to be filled with water. We have plenty of food, water and wine to get through at least 3 days. The bag is packed in case we need to have an emergency evacuation of the house. Went to get in my car this morning and discovered a dead battery. Bought some jumper cables( since ours disappeared before or during our move to Japan) and got it going. And have spent the rest of the day baking.
Will let you know if it turns out to be as bad as they are predicting.

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