Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Nuno Felting

The craft group did a felting lesson last week. I chose to do nuno felting, rather than wet felting. I had gotten a scarf at the thrift shop and decided to try to make a fall table runner. I didn't think to get photos of the beginning but here are a few of the later stages. It was pretty fun and I plan to do some more felting. Just haven't decided what to do with it.

My project was too big to finish with the group, so I brought it home and worked on it. Here I am still felting the wool to the scarf by rubbing it with the bubble wrap and soapy water.

It finally seems felted, so its time to rinse.

After rinsing in hot water and balling it up and throwing it around the sink, it has begun to shrink.


Finally the felted table runner is finished. I'm thinking of adding some decorative stitching to the top.

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