Expat mom leaves Japan after nearly 4 yrs. to begin a new adventure living in New Jersey, then moves to NYC 7 yrs later. But then moves to Chicago.
Sunday, July 23, 2023
Oddities & Curiosities

Friday, July 21, 2023
Cleaning Frustration
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Hello Quartz
The new countertop is in. I think it looks so much better. Still waiting for a plumber to hook up the sink though.
Also, today I got all the floors scrubbed. Finally, we can go barefoot and not have our feet get filthy!
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Goodbye Stainless Steel
The stainless steel countertop is gone! They had a hard time getting it out of there. Took about 5 hours, but it is gone. My neighbor downstairs said she loved this kitchen as it is was, I don’t. Stainless steel always looks dirty to me. I don’t like it. Hopefully the new countertop will be in tomorrow.
Walls Done
Monday, July 17, 2023
Weekend Activities
Got a few things done over the weekend. Picked out kitchen countertops. Stopped by Swap-o-Rama, found it disappointing. Listened to a blues band while trying out a neighborhood dinner spot. Will go again for the entertainment but will stick to appetizers. Also got my library card and checked out a book!
Second Storm
The second wave of “movers”were terrible. Not even professional. Like I went out on the street and rounded up 3 people who never moved or even lifted anything in their lives!