The girl had been sick and I had taken her to a doctor who diagnosed the illness as tonsilitis, on the 10th. He gave her a shot and 4 types of pills to take. The next day she broke out in hives, so I took her to another doctor, who prescribed another pill. On my birthday I took her back to the first doctor to tell him about the hives and suggest that she was allergic to something he gave her. Well he was having none of that but did give her another shot because she wasn't getting better. After this shot, she did perk up and while I was out of the house in the afternoon, she made this lovely cake for me! After the cake eating, I opened ny numerous cards and gifts. Thank you to all of you who remembered. The boy gave me this cool disguise set. We are pictured here modelling it. The next day we went to Osaka to an art museum, then to an IMAX show. After that we took a water taxi to the area of Universal Studios and had a wonderful dinner at Bubba Gumps. It was a very nice birthday.
Expat mom leaves Japan after nearly 4 yrs. to begin a new adventure living in New Jersey, then moves to NYC 7 yrs later. But then moves to Chicago.
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