Sunday, March 16, 2014


I'm back from my 3 weeks in Ohio. Nice to have easy access to internet again.
Will now try to catch you up on all my activities.

My mom had fallen and broken her arm and she decided to give up her home and move in with my sis in Colorado. We spent about 6 weeks taking care of her (she had to have a metal plate and 9 screws put in her arm) and cleaning out/fixing up her house to get ready to auction it.

As soon as she was cleared for travel, they struck out for parts west, driving for 2 days before arriving at their destination. Meanwhile, I went back to Ohio to finish the work, get the repairs made and prepare for the open and auction.

Here's how two of the rooms looked for the open house.

Auction day: The crowd wasn't too big, but the house got sold.

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