Expat mom leaves Japan after nearly 4 yrs. to begin a new adventure living in New Jersey, then moves to NYC 7 yrs later. But then moves to Chicago.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
All winter I have been trying to help out a chipmunk. At least I think its a chipmunk. Some creature has been living under the back porch. In the fall I collected a bunch of hickory nuts that I was planning to crack and use in my cooking and baking. But when winter set in so early and I realized that there was (probably) a chipmunk living under the porch, I started setting a nut on a brick under the porch, as you see below, every day. For a while, the nut would disappear each day, as though eaten by a little chipmunk. For a couple of months in the deepest, coldest part, the nut did not disappear. I feared the little fellow had perished in the harsh weather. But to my surprise, the long lying nut, one day, disappeared! Since I returned from my last Ohio trip, I have put out a nut every morning, and it has disappeared by nightfall. I think perhaps he was only hibernating during the coldest months and now is back. I am looking forward to finally seeing him. Or her.
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