Sunday, April 20, 2014


Went into the city yesterday. It was warm, (no jacket required) and sunny. Since hubby hadn't been to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, we decided to go there. We walked to it from the 33rd St. station. Saw this protest in Times Square. Its not exactly clear from the signs, just what they're protesting. But whatever it is, it requires their boobs to be shown. There is one with nude pantyhose on that looks a little weird, but whatever. We had a snack in Central Park before continuing the hike up to the Met. While there we saw the painting below. Very striking! Look at the heads on those children!! 
Afterwards we had dinner at a vegetarian restaurant. It was so-so, not the best. It seems the boy spent the night hunched over a toilet bowl, puking his guts out. He got the fish. Bad choice I guess. We didn't get sick.

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