Quite a bit of excitement yesterday evening, right outside our window!
There was a police chase heading down the avenue, when the perps, (in an effort to evade police) hit a motorcycle with 2 people riding it and drove right up the sidewalk under our window, coming back on the street at the corner and speeding on up the hill. While driving on the sidewalk, one of the perps threw a gun out their car window. According to the news, the police later captured and arrested one of the perps who was found hiding behind a building. The Motorcycle riders were taken to the hospital and should be fine.
Note the gun near the foot of the guy in the white shirt.

Sidewalk where the perps drove on. The same sidewalk Gil does his 'business' on. Thankfully we were out about a half hour prior to this.
3 hours later the street is still closed for several blocks.
Finally, a wrecker comes to take away the bike and the police wrap up the investigation.
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