Saturday, November 7, 2020

Great Day in America

Democracy Wins!! 

The American people have spoken! 

What an historic day!

 Once we got the news we began hearing the cheers in our neighborhood. Then we struck out to midtown, stopping as close to trump tower on 5th Ave as allowed, then headed to Columbus Circle before a break at The Met. Finally ending the day out with a foray into Times Square.  

The relief, the jubilation, the joy and happiness that is being expressed in NYC is fantastic!! Its a weight lifted off our shoulders. 

About 11:30 this morning:

Small crowd a block away from trump tower. The block in front of it was closed off.

Went around the back of trump tower to the other side on 5th Ave.

Around noon they closed off more blocks on 5th Ave.

Guy with bullet proof vest and gun.

Fall colors in Central Park.

Columbus Circle party.

Walk through Central Park towards the Met.

Nice time in the Met. Heading back out. The party is still going on!
People are so jubilant!

It's like New Year's Eve in Times Square!!

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