Woke up this morning at 1am, got up at 2am. Everybody got ready and we left for the airport around 3. We had a smooth flight to Chicago. It was snowing there. They had to de-ice the wings and we set out for San Fran. where I'm sitting in the lounge drinking champagne & eating pretzels. Got word from our dear friend, that Gilbert went happily with his driver, to Detroit this morning. She let him ride up in the front seat, instead of in his crate. I'll call the guy in Detroit to see that he made it okay, before we take off for Osaka. Everyone is holding up well. The kids were grumpy this morning so we've kept them separated so far and now they want to sit together on the plane to Japan. I can't say enough about the wonderful people we are leaving behind. A big thank you to our friends, neighbors and co-workers, for all the good-bye parties, food, fun and gifts. A special thank you to Jennie for taking care of Gil. You're priceless! You are ALL special to us. Thanks and we'll miss you all alot!!! Please keep in touch. Now I'm going to get all teary eyed and blubbery if I don't stop. I'll post again once we get to Japan. Love to you all. Merry Christmas.
Expat mom leaves Japan after nearly 4 yrs. to begin a new adventure living in New Jersey, then moves to NYC 7 yrs later. But then moves to Chicago.
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