Well, its the middle of the afternoon and by the amount of noise and acting goofy coming from the boy, I'd say he's back to normal. His sister & I walked to a grocery store and got juice, bananas and bread among other things, to soothe his stomach. It must have worked.
On to the neighborhood-- Acorn Hills is a little green oasis on the side of a giant hill (mountain?) with 6 houses. There is a walkway beside our house that leads to some stairs and an electronically controlled gate. There is a walkway there leading to a little park in one direction and to the street in the other. The fire station is right behind the house. When you cross the street there is a little park with a pond where old men like to gather and fish. They nearly all use binoculars. What are they looking at? Its not a big pond. about a block down the hill from the park/pond is the train station. Also at this location is the fabulous little bake shop, 2 convenient stores, a liquor store, dry cleaner, a beauty shop and 2 mom & pop fruit/fish head stands. Today they had some whole, fried fish laying out there that had teeth. I really wanted to eat one of those! Anyway, that's the immediate neighborhood and now I'm off to explore it some more. I'll let you know what I discover.
Expat mom leaves Japan after nearly 4 yrs. to begin a new adventure living in New Jersey, then moves to NYC 7 yrs later. But then moves to Chicago.
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