Monday, January 7, 2008

We're in! School tomorrow!

Yes, you heard right! The kids are in! They'll get on the bus tomorrow morning and spend the day at school! The boy is anxious to go, the girl is a bit more apprehensive. Everyone at the school was very nice and helpful. I think they're really going to like it. Its not quite as big or modern or plush as they've been to before, but they'll do well. Its going to be great.
Another exciting thing happening tomorrow is the arrival of my sea shipment! They are to come early tomorrow morning to take away the rental furn. and a couple hours later our things will be delivered. That should keep me busy for awhile. It'll be nice to have our own beds to sleep in! And enough cooking utensils to actually make something from scratch! It'll be interesting to see how they get the stuff in and up the stairs etc... Maybe I can get some house photos posted soon. Let me know how it was, getting back to work/school after the break.

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